Posted by: John Looker | 20 April, 2019

A haiku for Spring


The bluebells are here.

Immaterial as ghosts

that drift through a room.



© John Looker 2019


  1. Lovely, John. The spring haiku and photo together producing a ‘shahai’ that truly conveys the ethereal beauty of bluebells in a wood.

    Happy Easter,



    • Yes, ethereal was the word I had in mind myself, Paul, but ‘shahai’ was new to me. Thank you for that. And happy Easter to you too,


  2. Effortlessly lovely (the end result, not the process of creating it :))

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Bennison Books. I wouldn’t know about the end result but you’re not mistaken about the process 😊


  3. Lovely, John. We have blue scilla instead of bluebells and I’d say immaterial, ethereal and ephemeral all apply to those too. Hope all goes well with you.


    • That’s very interesting Cynthia – I’m pleased to hear that your blue Scilla create the same ethereal atmosphere! Best wishes, J

      Liked by 1 person

  4. John:
    This haiku seems particularly suited to placing one in a categorically undefined world –which I take to be what Japanese aesthetics is all about—the flowing world and all that. The ghosts and a breeze of bluebells drift… and the sun shines. Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Jim … thanks very much, that’s good of you. I agree with your observation about the potential of haiku. I don’t often write them but I do like the way they can be bigger on the inside than the outside, if the writer can rise to the challenge.
      I keep meaning to respond to your recent post on difficult poetry – I don’t have anything new to say but you have got me thinking once again. It’s that brain of yours… !
      Best wishes as ever,


  5. John, first let me say that I know Adorning the a Rock is a long read and you shouldn’t feel the necessity to get through it all, but if you have any comments or questions along the way I’d be happy to a answer them as best I can.


  6. John, just to say that the web address on your next post takes people to a non-functioning page of my blog, I’m not sure why and it is not an active page. I look forward to your Serenade for Europe!


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